The flavors of the sake and the music blend together to create a fresh taste.

The “SAKAOTO” series is brewed to the sound of the solemn echoes reverberating through the sake brewery.

Originally, only the brewery workers inside the sake brewery
could enjoy the freshness of freshly squeezed sake,
and we deliver that freshness to you.


The freshly squeezed
taste invites a fresh and pleasant sourness.


The clarity and freshness of the breeze,
the gorgeous fragrance that passes through the throat.


Whispering in the silence of the sake brewery,
the gentle notes played by rice, water, and koji

山廃純米 雄町
純米大吟醸 山田錦

146 years since its founding in the Meiji era.
Kikuchi Shuzo's new challenge, is “SAKAOTO”.

Kikuchi Shuzo is located in Kurashiki City, Okayama Prefecture, and is the brewery of the locally brewed sake “SANZEN”, which has won numerous awards.

The fifth-generation head brewer, To Kikuchi, is not only a toji (master brewer), but also an active musician.

For 50 years, he has been active as a conductor and violinist in the orchestra he founded in his hometown (Kurashiki Philharmonic Orchestra). Just as he leads the orchestra in its performances, he also harmonizes the “rice, water, and koji” in his sake brewing to create a delicate harmony.

SAKAOTO was born from the passion of those who have continued to face the challenges of making a great tasting Sake.

The first encounter with a new type of sake

SAKAOTO is a sake that we would like everyone to try, whether you are a regular sake drinker or have never had the chance to try sake before.

The fresh, clear taste and the clean, refreshing flavor of the ingredients are beautifully balanced, and the product is also popular with people from overseas.

As you stack up the glasses, you can enjoy the perfect marriage of Japanese food and other dishes.

From Representative Director,<br>Daisuke Kikuchi
Kikuchi Sake Brewery Co., Ltd.
From Representative Director,
Daisuke Kikuchi


  • Savor the freshness of SAKAOTO sake, available from October 1st.

    “SAKAOTO” captures the pure flavor and smooth texture of freshly pressed sake. The pleasant acidity that blends with the carefully selected ingredients spreads softly, enhancing the depth of the flavor. Please enjoy the harmony of the deep, delicate aroma.


We aim to create a sake with a deep flavor that can only be enjoyed by the brewers in the brewery, and that has a freshness, juiciness and elegance that can be felt in the freshly pressed sake.

お題:A sake brewery where sake brewing and music resonate with each other

A sake brewery where sake brewing and music resonate with each other

Kikuchi Brewery is a special place where the sound of the brewery resonates with the sake.

As the elegant strains of Mozart's music reverberate, the sounds of rice, water, and koji (yeast starter) bubbling and fermenting fill the entire brewery.

The new brand “SAKAOTO” was born when the powerful heartbeat of the dynamic toji and brewer was added to the lingering echoes of all the other elements.

Please enjoy the harmony of the taste and aroma that was born in the sound reverberating in the sake brewery and carefully created to the smallest detail.

お題:Transcending the boundaries of tradition

Transcending the boundaries of tradition

Sake is generally served after being stored in a tank for a certain period of time.
However, brewers have long known that freshly pressed sake is incredibly delicious.
Conventional wisdom has held that delivering sake as it is, can be difficult, but thanks to advances in equipment, this is now possible. That said, it still requires sophisticated brewing techniques.
It's not easy, but I want as many people as possible to experience this special flavor that only the toji knew about.

お題:The rich flavor of sake rice, the joy of freshly pressed sake

The rich flavor of sake rice, the joy of freshly pressed sake

Okayama Prefecture is blessed with a mild climate and abundant nature, and is a major producer of rice suitable for sake brewing.

Among these, Omachi is difficult to cultivate and is called a “legendary sake rice,” but it boasts the highest yield in the country and continues to attract enthusiasts.
Yamadanishiki, which is known as the “king of sake rice”, is also the second most produced rice in Japan, and it is used to make many famous sake brands.

The fact that the toji's skills are further honed by using these precious sake rice varieties without stint is one of the charms of a sake rice-producing region.

お題:To a wider world

To a wider world

Daisuke Kikuchi, the sixth-generation head of the brewery, took over the business after moving from a different field related to robotics and mechatronics. He began the challenge of bringing the flavors nurtured in his hometown to new markets.
He wishes to make people all over Japan and overseas more aware of Okayama's sake and encourage them to enjoy it more.

Taking on the world is a tough arena where only the best is appreciated.
However, while feeling a strong sense of responsibility, we spare no effort in our daily work, always aiming to make the best glass of sake


The label conveys the product's individuality
in a way that resonates with the taste and design.

Up-and-coming artist
Izumi Kogahara
designed the bottle

We have expressed a unique
sense of fun through a novel design that fuses “Sake” and “sound”.

If the pieces of the story
are gathered togetherDESIGN CONCEPT

Motifs that symbolizesake brewing in a richmusical environmentMany stories condensed into one.

Using pictogram-style motifsthat are modern yetcomposed of traditional Japanese colorsgives the design a sense of history.

Yamahai Junmai Omachi

Enjoy a deeper, more complex flavor.
The diversity is expressed through a colorful color scheme.

"SAKAOTO" Yamahai Junmai Omachi

Junmai Daiginjo Yamada Nishiki

A gorgeous aroma and a beautiful flavor
The luxury is expressed with gold leaf.

"SAKAOTO" Junmai Daiginjo Yamada Nishiki

Designer Introduction

Izumi Kogahara
A painter and graphic designer from Tochigi Prefecture. She has held solo exhibitions at department stores across the country, and her work has appeared on the covers of art magazines, etc., and her reputation has continued to grow. In the field of design, she has worked on a wide range of projects, including websites, packaging, logos, and wall art. She currently has a studio in Utsunomiya City.
Go to the official website


As the first step, we prepared two types.

Yamahai Junmai Omachi

Enjoy the sake that focuses on flavor

View Details
"SAKAOTO" Yamahai Junmai Omachi

Junmai Daiginjo Yamada Nishiki

A sake that lets you enjoy the aroma and the elegant flavor of Japanese sake.

View Details
"SAKAOTO" Junmai Daiginjo Yamada Nishiki

Yamahai Junmai OmachiFire-cured

View DetailsYamahai Junmai Omachi

complex and subtle

cannot be expressed in a single word

sake that allows you to enjoy the

essence of the art of sake brewing and the strength of Omachi rice

The rich flavor of Omachi rice and the complex flavor of long-term fermentation in a natural yeast starter blend together beautifully, and the fresh aroma of the freshly pressed rice enhances the delicate drinking experience.

  • alcohol content
    17.5 degrees
  • sake meter value
  • acidity
  • amino acid content
  • rice used
    100% Omachi rice from Okayama Prefecture
  • volume
  • retail price
    1,870 yen (including tax)

Junmai Daiginjo Yamada NishikiFire-cured

View DetailsJunmai Daiginjo Yamada Nishiki

A rare and excellent sake rice

Yamadanishiki is used in abundance to create this sake

Enjoy the lingering, gorgeous flavor

that lasts forever.

The fruity aroma of the Daiginjo spreads from the moment it is poured into the glass. You can feel the smooth texture and elegant richness unique to Yamadanishiki. This masterpiece lets you enjoy the sake's original deliciousness in its purest form.

  • alcohol content
    17 degrees
  • sake meter value
  • acidity
  • amino acid content
  • rice used
    100% Yamadanishiki rice from Okayama Prefecture
  • volume
  • retail price
    2,300 yen (including tax)


For inquiries regarding "SAKAOTO," please contact us via this inquiry form.
Please note that it may take some time to respond.
If you are in a hurry, please contact us by phone.

If you do not receive a reply due to an incorrect email address or any other reason,
we kindly ask you to contact us by phone or send us an email again.


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    お名前 必須

    Privacy Policy

    About Our Privacy Policy

    Our company is committed to protecting the personal information entrusted to us by our customers. We have established the following privacy policy and will strive to protect personal information in accordance with this policy.

    1. Definition of Personal Information

    Personal information is defined by our company as information concerning a living individual as stipulated by the Personal Information Protection Law. This includes names, birth dates, and other details that can identify a specific individual (including information that can be easily matched with other data to identify an individual), as well as email addresses, user IDs, passwords, and other information.

    2. Specifying the Purpose of Use of Personal Information

    Our company will use personal information only within the scope necessary to achieve the purposes listed below. If we use personal information for purposes not specified below, we will obtain the consent of the individual in advance.
    1) Shipping products to customers and billing for them
    2) Confirmation of order details
    3) Providing information about our services
    4) Responding to customer inquiries and requests, and sending materials
    5) Contracts on behalf of the customer

    3. Restriction on the Use of Personal Information

    Our company will not handle personal information beyond the scope necessary to achieve the purpose of use without the consent of the individual. If personal information is acquired through mergers or other reasons, we will not handle it beyond the scope necessary to achieve the purposes for which it was used before succession, without the individual’s consent. However, the following cases are exceptions.
    1) When required by law
    2) When necessary to protect human life, body, or property, and it is difficult to obtain the consent of the person
    3) When particularly necessary to improve public health or promote the sound growth of children, and it is difficult to obtain the consent of the person
    4) When it is necessary to cooperate with a national agency or local public entity, or a person entrusted by them, in executing the affairs prescribed by law, and obtaining the consent of the person may hinder the execution of such affairs

    4. Acquisition of Personal Information

    Our company will properly acquire personal information without deception or other wrongful means. Personal information may be obtained directly in writing (including websites, emails, etc.) from customers for the purpose of carrying out business in our company’s operations.

    5. Notification of Purpose of Use at the Time of Acquisition

    When acquiring personal information, unless the purpose of use has already been publicly announced, our company will promptly notify or publicly announce the purpose of use to the person. However, the following cases are exceptions.
    1) When notifying or publicly announcing the purpose of use could harm the life, body, property, or other rights and interests of the person or a third party
    2) When notifying or publicly announcing the purpose of use could harm the rights or legitimate interests of the business operator handling the personal information
    3) When it is necessary to cooperate with a national agency or local public entity in executing the affairs prescribed by law, and notifying or publicly announcing the purpose of use may hinder the execution of such affairs

    6. Storage of Personal Information and Supervision of Employees

    Our company has established regulations on personal information protection to prevent leakage, loss, or damage of personal information and to ensure the safe management of personal information. We will provide necessary and appropriate supervision of employees.

    7. Entrustment of Personal Information

    When our company entrusts all or part of the handling of personal information to a third party, we will conduct a strict investigation of the third party and provide necessary and appropriate supervision to ensure the safe management of the personal information entrusted.

    8. Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties

    Except when required by law, our company will not disclose personal information without the customer’s consent. However, the following cases are exceptions.
    1) When required by law
    2) When necessary to protect human life, body, or property, and it is difficult to obtain the consent of the person
    3) When particularly necessary to improve public health or promote the sound growth of children, and it is difficult to obtain the consent of the person
    4) When it is necessary to cooperate with a national agency or local public entity, or a person entrusted by them, in executing the affairs prescribed by law, and obtaining the consent of the person may hinder the execution of such affairs

    9. Disclosure of Personal Information

    When our company receives a request from an individual for the disclosure of their personal information, we will promptly disclose it. However, if the identity of the person cannot be confirmed, we will not respond to the request for disclosure. We may not disclose all or part of the information if it falls under any of the following categories. 1) If there is a risk of harming the life, body, property, or other rights and interests of the person or a third party 2) If there is a risk of significant hindrance to the proper execution of the business of the business operator handling the personal information 3) If it violates other laws

    10. Correction of Personal Information

    If there is an error in the content of the personal information, and a request for correction, addition, or deletion is received from the individual, we will promptly respond to the request after investigation. If the identity of the person cannot be confirmed, we will not respond to these requests.

    11. Suspension of Use of Personal Information

    If our company is requested by an individual to suspend or delete the use of their personal information for reasons such as handling beyond the scope of the previously publicly announced purposes of use, or obtaining it by deception or other wrongful means, we will promptly suspend its use. However, if suspending the use of personal information requires a large amount of cost or is otherwise difficult, and alternative measures are taken to protect the rights and interests of the person, this does not apply.

    Contact for Inquiries About Personal Information

    If you have any requests or inquiries regarding the handling of personal information by our company, please contact us at the following. Kikuchi Brewery Co., Ltd. 1212 Agasaki, Tamashima, Kurashiki, Okayama 713-8121 TEL 086-522-5145 FAX 086-522-5146